I didn't leave work until ten past nine last night, for one reason or another, and so I got home too late to catch Mum when she phoned from the hotel – but she left an answerphone message and it sounds like they had a good flight and like the hotel lots, so all is…
Well, barring delays Mum and Dad are in mid-air now on their way out to their Golden Wedding anniversary holiday in Malta. I never thought when I booked it that there'd be a war on when they were flying. There's no reason why there should be a problem, but I'll still be glad when they…
The weekend was overshadowed by the anger at the end of it – the anger that fuelled my last post – but up until that point we’d had a really good couple of days. For starters, having worked since November to clear the ground at the allotment, on Sunday we finally planted something. We dug…
Dear Mr Bush, I just thought I'd write you an open letter because I was wondering how many more Britons you were planning on killing in this war of yours. You probably haven't heard of Norfolk – not the one in Virginia, I mean the English county I spent seven years living in, the one…
Just now, my colleagues appeared out of nowhere with a cake, like they did last year… Walked right into that one, Andy.
I just had a good evening. Spoke on the phone to numerous family members, which is always good. Lisa had gone to town on a birthday meal – it looked good as well as tasting good – you know how food can be like art if the right colours and textures sit together? That's how…
Well, I was keeping quiet about my birthday but I forgot DeadJournal automagically sends out reminders to people… so 'thank you' to everyone who posted messages when they found out. I actually don't feel too bad about being 35. I have one or two grey hairs at my temples, my beard is a bit more…
Found this in Sam and Gerri’s DJs. Find out which Chronicles of Narnia book you are. Voyage of the Dawntreader The only book which doesn’t take place in Narnia at all, per se, you’re the story of a voyage to find the end of the world and hopefully the Seven Lost Lords (remember Rhoop!). You…
Have just been to possibly the most bizarre meeting I’ve attended in a very long time and because of my self-imposed commercial confidentiality rules (ie no journal entries that give away clients’ secrets or might lose me work) I can’t write about it in any sort of detail. However, I will say that there’s something…