Strange to find that first thing in the morning is the part of the day when I have most time to update this thing. Me, with my famous hatred of mornings. Heh. Yesterday went pretty good in the end. Usually when a day's going well you wait for life to throw you a curve ball…
After the disaster that was yesterday afternoon and early evening, today is going a lot better. One of those days where lines of HTML practically dance into place on the page and links mysteriously home in on where you want them to link to despite being about three foot in length were you to print…
The gym's shut tonight for refurbishment, just when I brought my kit in for the first time in a fortnight… damn ;o)
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)
Oh yeah – forgot to say. There's no damn heating in this office today and I'm bloody freezing.
So, what sort of a weekend was it really? Well, it was a political one. Blame it on me for going to a political conference (duh) but also blame it Jeremy Paxman and Paul Burrell. I'm no fan of Paxman as an interviewer. I think he gets so hung up on trapping his interviewee that…
What is this 'free time' of which you speak? Where might it be found?
We spent the afternoon on the allotment, clearing brambles and paths, and trying to work out where the hell the edges of it are. At the moment there's a bramble patch big enough to swallow a house on it at one end, and scattered stuff at the other end. Also some kind of mutant grass…
Just finished watching Rebecca on video with Beloved Other Half.