Media coverage of the game's end

For the most part, the coverage of the end of the game that I've come across has been online: here are some links.

Not big with the print coverage - this is all I've found so far:

I've also done some radio - 5Live, 5's Pods & Blogs programme, and BBC Radio Northampton coutesy of an old university friend who saw my name in the coverage and emailed me.

Anyone coming to the party late and wanting a copy of the press release and photos for media use, or to set up an interview with me or someone from Mind Candy, should contact Luke at Idea Generation (lukeSPLATideagenerationDOTcoDOTuk). I'm happy to talk direct but, hey, Luke's being paid to organise it so it would be a shame not to make him do the work...

All original content © 2007+ Andy Darley. Contact me about re-use.
All original content © 2007+ Andy Darley, +44 (0)7905 628 554, Please contact me first if interested in re-use.