Having lost more inches from my waistline than I'd even known I possessed while walking, I am now making a vague attempt to keep them off. No more cheese on toast. This morning I ate some of the boss's carrots – and none of her chocolate chip cookies. And this lunchtime, instead of something involving…
We viewed the property. It didn't work out. Such is life.
Am in St Ives, in the 'staying in one place' part of the holiday, on a PC in the library. Last week was the 'walking til you drop' part of the holiday, in which we walked 80 miles in seven days and I lost so much weight that I'm half the man I was. I…
Well, that was a crap weekend. Although one with nice moments interspersed among the faeces. But basically crap. Hope everyone else's went better.
Very odd day today. Doesn't seem to have got started yet, and it's pushing 11pm. Have been attacking the housework – ironing, laundry, re-hanging fallen posters – and also working on the new-look website. A whole lot more pages are now online for testing here. There's still a fair number of dead links – particularly…
All I can say is, I'm glad today was a four-day week. We have a big project deadline on November 9th and it's getting more and more stressed as the time rushes by. I don't think I could have handled a normal five-dayer.
Well that'll teach us Londoners not to be so smug about the American black-out… As I write this, hundreds of commuters are still struggling to get home from work after a power failure knocked out the London Underground and seriously stressed the mainline rail services. I got held late in a meeting, or I might…
We had a great evening last night, as those of you who also follow 's journal will already know. She met me from the station and we went swimming, the first time we've gone to Hampton Open Air Pool in the evening. I no longer swim like a brick, but I'm hardly what you'd call…